Lines of art are the youngest part of the family of art lines and lines (Art Lines, Sculpture Line), which were created as platforms for the creation and dissemination of contemporary art. However, Lines of art is in a way unique among them, as it is exclusively focused on supporting the youngest visual arts, with an emphasis on classical art media. Initially, their activities focused on one-off summer collective exhibition events, always accompanied by a catalogue. Within two years, however, they grew into a comprehensive year-round activity.

Its aim is not only to facilitate collective and individual exhibition projects of the youngest generation, but also to conduct systematic research on the youngest art (art research), to formulate trends in scientific terms, to support ideas and concepts postulated and lived by the youngest artistic and curatorial generation. These researches and professional outputs in the form of exhibitions and publications are co-led by an experienced curator and theorist. The results of the professional activities are immediately presented to the professional and wider public.

However, within the framework of Lines of art activities, there is a comprehensive approach to contemporary art, characterised by an interdisciplinary approach. An important role is thus played not only by interdisciplinary overlaps and the levelling of the differences between high and applied art - with a noticeable focus on glass and its place in contemporary art, but also by the systematic and innovative use of non-traditional materials such as recyclates or plastics. In this sense, there are creative impulses and challenges towards emerging artists. Awareness of the carbon footprint, the ecological approach and the overall responsibility of sustainable development of our civilization also plays an important role here.

A not inconsiderable ambition of Lines of art is the all-round support of young and emerging artists, which consists not only in exhibitions and publications, but also in connecting them with other gallery and exhibition institutions. It is also essential to support their presentation outside the Czech Republic and the establishment of young Czech art on an international scale. In this sense, the Lines of art play an important role in their activities in the Guidecca Art District in Venice, Italy, as well as in other institutions abroad. Part of this activity is to facilitate and organise residencies of young artists abroad. Not unimportant is also their all-round support in the context of penetrating the Czech and international art scene. We come into contact with young artists already during their work at art colleges and universities, and we cooperate closely with the teaching teams and management of these schools, academies and universities in this sense.

The trust of young artists is crucial for us, for whom we strive to create a favourable creative climate and a reasonably stable existential and social stability. This comfort is stimulated by efforts to create an atmosphere as favourable as possible for their creative development, supported by communication strategies with the professional and art-loving public.